Blink Murder

Preliminary Task - Stroppy Media Student

Monday, October 27, 2008

Plots and Casting

To help with our research, my media class and I, constructed plots and attempted to cast an A list actor or actress in each. Here are two of the plots, along with the chosen actors and reasons for my choices.
PLOT 2 - The Rectifier
Basic summary:
This plot is a sci-fi about a man suffering from complete amnesia. He is trying desperately to find out who he is. It is eventually revealed that he is in fact a 'future version' of a current government official who has been sent back two decades in time to help maintain the existence of the human race. The movie is a about his struggle to find the answers and prevent the destruction of mankind.
Who i cast and why:

For this plot i chose Bruce Willis. The main basis for my decision was his list of previous work. Bruce Willis has done a number of action films, like the Die Hard Sequel (1988-2007), Armageddon , Sin City and Pulp Fiction. He is also known for his tendency to play 'good guy' roles, for instance in Die Hard, Armageddon and The Sixth Sense, so i felt like this character would be in keeping with his usual roles and be recognised by the audience.
He is also strong, good-looking and has a rugged face, which makes it more plausible to see him as some one who is effectively saving the world.
His star quality and popularity as an actor would aid the construction of an impressive narrative image for the film.

PLOT 9 - Murder in Manhattan
Basic summary:
This plot is a thriller about a homicide detective unit. The head of a the team, Hannah Paterson, is working on a serial killer case who meets all his female victims on the ferry in from Manhattan. She is helped by her colleague Doug , who worries when he feels that the case is taking over her life.
But, everything goes hideously wrong when it is revealed that the murderer is actually her most recent partner. Fortunately, its Doug to the rescue...
Who I cast and Why:
Here, i decided to cast Angelina Jolie as Hannah Paterson and Tom Hanks as Doug. My reasons for doing this, were again based on previous work from both stars. Angelina Jolie has done past 'police-type' work in both Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) and Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005). She would probably be successful as this character. I also felt that Hannah Paterson should be played by someone who is fierce and powerful, as well as attractive and feminine. I thought Angelina Jolie matched this perfectly.
Tom Hanks was chosen for this role as he has had a string of successful films in which he was a protagonist. For example, Forrest Gump (1994), Saving Private Ryan (1998) and The Green Mile (1999). Therefore, i thought Tom Hanks would embody this character well.
As a duo, Tom Hanks and Angelina Jolie would work well together, being two talented actors, and prove very popular amongst audiences.

The biggest issues we encountered lied within the physcial appearence of actors and trying to match them into certain plots. For example, plot 3 required an Asian male. However, there was no asian man on the cast list, and therefore the plot had to be altered. This was also the case with Plot 1. I found that I had to change a character to a male, as we had run out of female actors. A further actor which may effect plots, is the age of an actor.

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