Blink Murder

Preliminary Task - Stroppy Media Student

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Test Shoot!!!

On Sunday 23rd November, me and my FABOULOUS, AMAZING group went out to do a test shoot.
I'd just like to say, yes i was late. I am sooo sorry to all members of my group. I won't let you guys down again! Promise!
However, lateness and harsh weather conditions aside, for me, the test shoot taught me a lot, as I'm sure the rest of the group will agree.

Location Problems.

So many! Our first location idea was a car park. Here's a list of the problems we faced;
1. Even early in the morning, there were too many interruptions by cars and people which seriously cut into our precious filming time!

2. Lighting! A potential issue for any out door shoot. It was very difficult to achieve lighting that did not look like it was being purposely used!
3. Sound. Not going to be easy to avoid echoes in an empty car park!
4. Continuity was proving difficult with cars moving virtually the whole time we were filming!

Positives!! I am so pleased with the way, despite many many setbacks, we managed to pull through.
Even though the location didn't work out, we carried on like proffessionals, and now we have a VERY clear picture of our shots and shot order! So that's a great achievement.
Also, now we know what doesn't work, we've scheduled a second test shoot for Friday which should go brilliantly!

So, i shall be updating about that, and posting more exciting ideas soon! :D

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