Blink Murder

Preliminary Task - Stroppy Media Student

Monday, December 15, 2008

FINAL SHOOT - 14th Dec.

Hello again!
Yesterday was our FINAL shoot! :(
It was a tough one, as Bhavika was feeling very unwell and could therefore, not make it. We prepared ourselves for the challenge of juggling sound, admin, lighting and camera work between 2 people - hard work!
However, we focused on our aim to have collected all our necessary footage by the end of that shoot. We word efficiently and without being distracted by the missing quarter of the group.
Luckily, we managed to get all the shots we had planned to, and they looked fantastic!

So...things that i learnt during this shoot:
1. The actor's job is a TOUGH one. I lost count of how many times i walked up the same filght of stairs.
2. Continuity is a BIG issue, especially when it involves costume.
3. Everything in the mise-en-scene is there for a reason and can make ALL the difference.
4. Having a group of four, is a SERIOUS advantage.
5. You can discover more foley ideas in the most random ways!

I'm so excited about editing now! But i'm going to miss shooting sooooo much! :(

I'll update sooon...

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