Blink Murder

Preliminary Task - Stroppy Media Student

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Idea Change - The Shoots afterwards

On Wednesday 3rd December, during our group meeting, Bhavika had a sudden brain wave about how to make our original idea even more unnerving and scary! :D
Having look backed at the footage from our first real shoot, the group made a unanimous decision, that actually, it just wasn't scary enough. Queue Bhavika's new idea! Bhavika's vision consisted of several close ups of Mia getting ready, put together, rather than one smooth sequence. The revelation of this vision prompted Mary to suggest we interrupt each short take, with a longer one, making the sequence more pacey and causing the build up of suspense. We decided together, to have the lengthier shots as our credits! However, we decided to stick to our original plot, varying the story board slightly.

The Shoot - Final Idea

The shoot after olur final idea was established went very well! We managed to get all the shots that we needed without any problems. Our lighting was working amazingly, and everything seemed to fit with our vision.
I think what worked particularly well was how we rotated the duties. This meant that everyone got a chance to so various jobs, and so it was never montonous or boring for anyone.
I think that now that we all had a vision in mind, we were able to work more efficiently and productively.

Overall, I'm very pleased with the process so far and group dynamics are better than ever!! :)

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