Blink Murder

Preliminary Task - Stroppy Media Student

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Our product aims to appeal to a range of audience; these being our core and secondary audiences. Our core audience would be teenagers in general. The reason for this is that we find slasher horror to be popular amongst teenagers. This was evident even on the basis of our Media class. We found that a significant majority of the class preferred horror to any other genre. This was also concluded from audience feedback from which we found that 14 out of 20 people had listed horror as their favourite genre. Furthermore, we can target our product at both genders as we have an appeal for both boys and girls.

Females: Given something to relate to. Have the ability to analyse the portrayal of their gender. Experience the convention break of conveying beauty in a negative way
Males: Stereotypically fans of horror/gore/violence; also able to experience an unusual break in horror movie conventions. Likely to enjoy a film in which the majority of the cast are attractive women.

The secondary audience refers to the people who may not want to watch the film, or at whom the film is not aimed, yet they still watch it as friends or boy/girl friends of the core audience.

Having listed the audience we had in mind, it is apparent that we have a broad audience. We hoped that our film would attract both genders and a range of ages, professions, nationalities and lifestyles. We wanted our film to have something to appeal to a higher number of people and I feel that is something we achieved. Feedback sessions were a success with both teenagers and parents.

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