Blink Murder

Preliminary Task - Stroppy Media Student

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Practical - COMPLETE

The group's focus for the past 3 or so days has been the practical deadline....which was today! I'm so relieved that we managed to get everything looking incredible and finished on time!! But at the same time, I can't believe its all over!! :(
So i decided to compile two lists. One, of all the things that I'm most pleased with, and a second of valuble lessons to take with me in media life :D
My Favourite Parts of Blink Murder (forty4 productions)
- The title! Blink Murder. I have to say, after hours of thinking, we all loved this title, and it really fits with our opening sequence and the whole film! The production name forty4 was chosen because the door number of the house in which we did all our filming was 44, so it had a special meaning for us all.
-Credits! Mia and I decided on these, and were so pleased when the rest of the group loved them. They look really proffessional and work amazingly with the sequence.
-Music and foley! Everybody that has watched the sequence comments on how well these were incorporated. The three music tracks merge seamlessly with one another.

-Our 'suddens'! The montage of random images to do with beauty adds so much suspense and dimension to the sequence.

Valuble lessons/ Irreversible mistakes...
-Lighting proved a major problem durin editing, as our shots didn't match. We realised how important it is to keep lighting consistent throughout. Luckily, throught the magic of Premier editing software, we managed to get this looking pretty good!
-Sound. No body was to blame for this, but the camera generated sounds during shots with low lighting, and it was near impossible to remove all of this from the footage. But again, we did the best we could!
-Continuity was difficult in places because for certain shots, we didn't start filming earlier, meaning we didn't have anything to cut in to. Durin a stairs sequence, this was particularly problematic.

Overall, I'm massively proud of our achievements, and i think forty4 productions has a long way to go!
Now to the challenge of evaluation!! Brainstorms have started on the group blog, and theory lessons commence tomorrow.

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